3 Months on uLust - How Many People Have I Met?

A few months ago I decided to join the world of online dating. Until then I had never done any dating via an internet platform and my experience on this kind of dating was practically non-existent. I chose uLust simply because it was the first one that caught my attention. The whole experience has begun really nice as the homepage looked very friendly and was full of beautiful ladies. Please, don't judge me hard on this one, I was a rookie of online dating at the time. I completed the registration very fast as it was really simple even for a rookie like myself. At first, I used uLust as a free member but I quickly realized that I could do little if I didn't pay for a subscription. I did whatever I could to answer the messages from various sexy ladies that were messaging me but I was unable to move forward. This is why I decided to pay for a three-month plan. That cost me $49.95, the worst 50 dollars I have ever spent in my life. As soon as I paid my subscription ...